Starting with a poor background doesn’t have to be a destiny for anyone and these celebs prove it to anyone who doubts it. Applying for a bachelor’s degree and making a smart career choice can launch you to the stars!
1. Leighton Meester

Remember Blair Waldorf – a classy and elite high school empress who wore expensive clothes, used the best makeup and make us envy her for it? She portrayed a well-educated young woman perfectly. No one would think that she ever lived in any other way than that. Her attitude says that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her skin is soft and silky, her tone is demanding and even though it’s acting, you cannot wonder how she actually lives. It comes as a surprise to find out that her mom gave birth to her in prison because she served time for drug smuggling. She was raised by her grandmother until her mother could resume the role. She is now a world-class actor worth approximately 5 million.
2. Celine Dion

There is probably no person left in the world who hasn’t heard an angelic performance of the song My heart will go on in the movie Titanic. Every person started getting tears in their eyes by watching a couple in love while this song played in the background. Even though she is now worth millions, it wasn’t always like that. Her family counted 16 members – she is the youngest of the 14 children in the family. Money was not always around, but the music was a huge part of her life. She even got her name after a French song named “Céline”. Her career choice was a complete success – she started performing in a small bar, but now she performs anywhere she likes and gets huge amounts of money for it.
3. Oprah Winfrey

Now planetary known talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, was born in Mississippi and lived in extreme poverty. There is even one source stating that she wore dresses made of potato sacks to school since she could not afford to buy better ones. Her childhood was very difficult and she was abused by many male family members. That all changed when she moved to live with her father. He pushed her to educate herself and she managed to major in Performing Arts and Speech Communications. Her wealth is assessed to 2,7 billion dollars this year. She is a very smart businesswoman who managed to turn her challenging childhood into an amazing success.
4. JK Rowling
If you haven’t heard about Harry Potter you must’ve been hiding somewhere. He’s the most famous wizard of all time. When JK wrote her first Harry Potter book she was a single mom struggling to pay the bills while all the publishers were rejecting her manuscript. She was going into despair when her luck suddenly turned and one publishing house agreed to take her book. The rest is history.
However, this wasn’t just a miracle. JK pursued writing most of her life, it was her passion and her education at the University of Exeter where she earned a BA in French and Classics prepared her for her enormous success.
5. Halle Berry
She came from an abusive home, which became later broken, her parents divorced when she was 4 years old. She studied broadcast journalism at the Cuyahoga Community College. When she was 21 years old, she pursued acting carrier, but at one point ran out of money and spent some time in a homeless shelter. She made it – her net worth is now estimated at 80 million dollars.
Getting your degree accredited sounds good now? There is no reason to use your background as an excuse to say that it is the reason for not striving to achieve more. In case you haven’t finished college, getting a bachelor’s degree online can be a way to go. Why not use all the advantages of the 21st century? Dive into it and you won’t regret it for sure!
Applying for a bachelor’s degree is a major contributing factor to success, even though many people without it achieved great things in life. If your deepest wish is to get a degree and make a smart career choice, you can explore your options. There are many options for education, even getting an MBA degree online. It is worth the effort and it will definitely help you have the life you’ve ever wanted.