Moving to a new home, or starting a family means that you have to think about home security. There are a lot of things that you need to consider before you start contacting the local alarm system companies or getting home insurance.
There are a lot of good as well as inexpensive ways to protect your home from burglars and we’re going to tell you about some of them.
1. Find the weaknesses on your property

One of the first things you need to consider is how your home looks. Make sure to build a fence around your property to keep the prying eyes away. You can choose a metal fence and reinforce it with barbed wire, or you can choose a live fence. A live fence or green fence is usually made of living trees and shrubs.
If you choose the green fence, make sure it always looks good. Burglars usually choose places that don’t look well-kept because they think that in places like that there are no alarm systems or any other type of home security system.
2. Keep (expensive) things out of sight
The next smart thing you should do is keep the things you own out of sight. This can include toys, bikes, grills or anything easy to just be snatched. It may seem like a lot of bothering to stow everything in the garage or the basement, but in the long run, you’re going to protect your property and items with that.
Things that have wheels installed, like toy cars, bikes, and grills, are really easy to be just taken from the backyard when you’re looking away even for a minute. Make sure to have things like that hidden away unless you’re using them.
3. Install alarm systems

Installing an alarm in your home will save you a lot of trouble. You can protect your home and your office with them. Contact the local alarm companies to find the one that best fits your home and think about installing business security systems. When you contact the house alarm companies, make sure to get a second opinion and ask around about them.
There are a lot of groups on the social media networks where people share their experience with the alarm system companies and you can choose the ones that seem the most professional and can offer the things you need within your budget.
4. Let it be light!
Another thing you can do when it comes to home security is installing a lot of lights. Make sure the entrance is bright and think about motion sensor light. That way you will startle the burglars even before they get to the door and you will be prepared in case the worst happens.
You can also think about installing large reflective lights on your mailbox and your house number. It’s going to be easier for the police to identify your home in case you get robbed and, robbers usually pick places that are hard to identify, so chances are, they are going to avoid your home.
5. Change the locks
When you move into a new home, always change the locks. No matter how much you trust the previous owner, you can never be sure who they landed their keys to. Make sure you change all the locks, inside and out. Don’t forget the back door or any side doors you may have. Do this before contacting the local alarm companies for extra security.
6. Be smart about hiding the key

Most people hide their keys under the rug or the plant next to the door. Don’t do that. Everyone knows that burglars know that. Be smart when it comes to hiding your key. There are a lot of cool gadgets and secret hiding places you can buy online. This staff looks like rocks or gnomes that you can put in your backyard and they won’t be noticeable.
7. Don’t advertise it when you’re on vacation
With the rise of social media, we post pictures of everything we do. When you go on vacation, don’t put it on every social media network you are a part of. And try not to brag around too much. Or if you do, be smart about it. Do it before or after the vacation and never with specific dates.
There are a lot of smart ways for home security. You just have to think rationally and get in touch with the alarm system companies. Don’t forget to get home insurance in case the worst happens and make sure you’re safe.